Pure Data “Visual Junk” Tools aka pdvjtools is a bunch of externals meant to be helpful for the visual work in puredata.
The externals were compiled and docummented as an http://hangar.org petition for the “Herramientas libres para creadores” workshop at http://www.laboralcentrodearte.org
special thanks to Yves Degoyon, Guenter Geiger and IOhannes m zmölnig for sharing code.
feel free to see the sources [[here]http://pure-data.cvs.sourceforge.net/pure-data/externals/pdvjtools/]
Frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters. The behaviour of the effects can be controlled from the host by simple parameters. The intent is to solve the recurring reimplementation or adaptation issue of standard effects.download [[pdp_frei0r-0.1.tar.gz]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/pdp_frei0r/pdp_frei0r-0.1.tar.gz] for linuxview the [[INSTALL file]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/pdp_frei0r/INSTALL]
An object to preview any [pix] output inside the patch canvas. to be used as lo_rate preview windows when you are using the main gem window in a separate monitor. coded by lluis@hangar.org borrowing unauthorized code by yves degoyon, ggee code by Günter Geiger and Gem code by IOhannes m zmoelnig.requirements: libtk-img, gem sources, pd sources.pix_preview is alpha software with known bugs. It runs, and works at least some of the time, but use at your own risk.
download [[pix_preview-1.0a.tar.gz]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/pix_preview/pix_preview.tar.gz] for linux
view the [[INSTALL file]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/pix_preview/install]
A thumbnail based 1-click file chooser for quicktime movies to be used to choose the video you want to play with [pdp_qt] in pdp or with [pix_movie] in Gem. coded by: slario@gmail.com and lluis@hangar.org borrowing unauthorized code by yves degoyon during the hangar pd sessionsdownload [[videogrid.tar.gz]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/videogrid/videogrid.tar.gz] for linuxview the [[INSTALL file]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/videogrid/INSTALL_videogrid]
A thumbnail based 1-click file chooser for images to be used to choose the image you want to play with [pdp_imgloader] in pdp or with [pix_image] in Gem. coded by: slario@gmail.com and lluis@hangar.org borrowing unauthorized code by yves degoyon, image external code by Guenter Geiger and some internals during the hangar pd sessionsdownload [[imagegrid.tar.gz]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/imagegrid/imagegrid.tar.gz] for linuxview the [[INSTALL file]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/imagegrid/INSTALL_imagegrid]
colorgrid is grid color picker borowed from the grid of yves degoyon you can select a color with the mouse and obtain the RGB values in the outlets. Useful to pass the values to grafical objects like pdp_text, pix_colorRGB, …colorgrid is also part of pidip as [pdp_colorgrid]requirements: libtk-imgdownload [[colorgrid.tar.gz]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/colorgrid/colorgrid-0.5.tar.gz] for linux
view the [[INSTALL file]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/colorgrid/INSTALL]
FreeFrame. is the open-source cross-platform real-time video effects plugin system designed for use in VJing applications pdp_freeframe is a freeframe host for PureDataPacket. With pdp_freeframe you can use more than 40 video effects in pdp. Actually only tested with the excelent plugin set developed by Pete Warden.download [[pdp_freeframe-0.2.tar.gz]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/pdp_freeframe/pdp_freeframe-0.3.tar.gz] for linux
view the [[INSTALL file]http://hangar.org/wikis/lab/pd/pdvjtools/src/pdp_freeframe/INSTALL]